Legacy Giving

Charles Hackley left a legacy in Muskegon to collect “pictures of the best kind.” That legacy built the Muskegon Museum of Art, which is now one of the finest art museums in the Midwest. What’s your legacy at the MMA?


Leaving a legacy gift can be one of the most impactful ways to give to the long-term sustainability of the Muskegon Museum of Art.


Legacy gifts can help you secure the future of the MMA while minimizing your tax burden. Some gifts can have income, state, and capital gains tax savings, while other gifts can enable you to make a gift with retention of income. You can also create a permanent memorial through Legacy gifts by remembering a loved one or preserving a family name.

Legacy Opportunities:

MMA Endowment

The MMA has endowment funds at both the Community Foundation for Muskegon County and the Grand Haven Area Community Foundation.

Art Acquisitions + Collections

The MMA holds four art acquisitions funds at the Community Foundation for Muskegon County used to purchase art for the MMA’s permanent collection. You can even start your own Art Acquisition Fund! The donor’s names stays forever attached to art acquired by the MMA in the object’s gallery text label.

For more information, please contact [email protected].

Endowed Positions

Donor names are attached to major staff positions at the MMA such as “The John Doe Curator of Education.”

Two Easy Steps to Leave a Legacy

Step 1. Arrange

Arrange your estate to leave a gift to the Muskegon Museum of Art. Common options are to name the MMA as a beneficiary through:

  • Bequest through will or trust
  • Beneficiary of an IRA, annuity, or 401K/403B retirement plan
  • Life insurance policy
  • Charitable gift annuity
  • Charitable remainder trust
  • Charitable lead trust
  • Donor advised fund

Step 2. Inform

Planned gifts over $25,000 will receive membership in the MMA Legacy Society. For more information, contact 231.720.2571.

MMA Legacy Society

Members of the MMA Legacy Society are museum supporters that have chosen to leave a Legacy gift to the MMA of $25,000 or more.

  • Andre Aerne, by estate
  • Roger & Marilyn Andersen
  • Sherry & Steuart Becker
  • Jon & Jane Blyth
  • Dr. Dana & Claudia Bryant
  • Bess Commodore, by estate
  • Ruth Elizabeth Cook, by estate
  • Dr. Don & Nancy Crandall
  • Robert & Cathleen Dubault
  • Dorothy C. Fisher
  • Barbara Fugazzoto
  • Ronald & Shirley Gossett
  • Judith Hayner
  • George Hilt, by estate
  • Felrath Hines, by estate
  • Larry & Lari Hines
  • Alex Homberger, by estate
  • Charles & Patricia Johnson
  • Donald & Sarah Johnson, by estate
  • Trip & Nina Johnson
  • Jim & Betty Korbecki
  • Larry & Lynne Larsen
  • Joan Majeski
  • John H. & Jessie I. Martin
  • Mike & Kay Olthoff
  • Gary & Kay Ostrom, by estate
  • Paul & Patricia Roy
  • Linda Shores & R. Michael Snodgrass
  • Robert D. & C. Corocran Tuttle, by estate
  • Kimberly Van Kampen
  • Gary & Victoria Verplank, by estate
  • Michael & Patricia Wade
  • Shaw & Betty Walker
  • Sara Youngman