Postcard Salon
What kind of art can you make within the size of a postcard?
Each year the Muskegon Museum of Art challenges artists of all levels to create postcard-sized works of art. Artists can submit up to three postcards to the exhibition, which are sold at the Postcard Salon Sale at the end of the exhibition. Proceeds from the postcard sales are split between the artist and the museum.
Call for Art: January 2025
Deadline for Art: March 7, 2025
Postcard Salon Exhibition Dates: April 3 – 24, 2025
- “Postcard” refers to size: 4” x 6.” It doesn’t have to go in the mail, or even look like a postcard.
- Artists may enter a maximum of THREE postcards. K-12 students and Class/Workshop groups may submit no more than ONE card per student.
- Entry is free. Cards must measure 4”x 6” exactly and be on a heavy paper, rigid backing, photo paper, or similar material. We can handle wood, glass, and ceramics too, but you must attach a secure hanging device. Works on paper do not require hangers. “Thickness” is variable*—if we can hang it on a nail, you can send it. *Nothing deeper than 4 inches will be accepted.
- All media are welcome – paint, marker, pencil, collage, ceramic, found objects, textiles. Artists of all skill levels are encouraged to participate.
- Subject is up to you. Creativity and originality are appreciated by viewers and coveted by buyers. No previously submitted postcards allowed. No digital copies will be accepted. (Digital art and photography are fine.)
- All cards are for sale on April 24, 2025 for $30. The MMA splits the sale price 50/50. Join us for the party on Thursday, April 24, beginning at 5:30PM. Sale begins at 6:30PM with a five-minute head start for MMA members.
Cards are due by: March 7, 2025
Cards may be hand delivered or mailed to the MMA at:
Attn: Postcard Salon
Muskegon Museum of Art
296 W Webster Ave
Muskegon, MI 49440.
Cards must arrive at the MMA in an envelope or box with your name, address, and phone number or email. We won’t accept cards without this information.
Label the back of your cards with your name and the title. Print legibly.
Artists wanting their cards returned by mail must provide a SASE.
Cards can be picked up in person beginning April 28. Cards left after May 30, 2025 will be disposed of.
If you have any questions on the rules, contact Carrie Westra at (231) 720-2575 or cwestra@muskegonartmuseum.org